
Showing posts from December, 2011

My Sister's keeper movie

Berkisah tentang kelurga Fitzgerald yang mempunyai seorang anak penderita leukimia, Kate yang diperankan oleh Sofia Vassilieva. Seluruh anggota keluarga berusaha dengan berbagai cara agar Kate bisa sembuh dari penyakitnya itu. Cameron Diaz yang memerankan ibu dari Kate digambarkan sangat peduli dengan kesehatan Kate, sampai2 berani mengorbankan kesehatan adik Kate, Anna (Abigail Breslin) dengan mendonorkan beberapa organ dan cairan tubuhnya agar Kate bisa tetap hidup. Masalah muncul ketika Anna merasa dinomer-duakan karena seringnya ia menyumbangkan organ dan cairan tubuhnya, sehingga ia mencari seorang pengacara untuk menuntut ibunya.


And now you're far away And I can't hold your hand Even though I never did when you were near So here's a song for you my sister To make believe I'm there though I am here....         Now you're in a city crawling from its wreckage         And its courage will sustain you through the cold         You may be a grown woman on your own now         But you'll still be my sister till we're old If the fates are kind I'll soon be there to see you But don't worry even if I can't real soon We've got the rest of both our lives to see together And the best of years gone by to see us through        So though you're missing home       And I don't seem to sympathize       That's just a cover-up for how I feel       So here's a song for you my sister       A reminder that my love for you is real Yes you may be a grown woman on your own now But you're always my sister - that's the deal :) :) :)