
Showing posts from November, 2011

Client Bridge

This mode is NOT for WIRED connections between two routers! It is a wireless connection between two routers only. First of all, do not even try to do client bridge with dd-wrt SP1. It won't work. Also if you can't get Client Bridged to work on your hardware then try Client Mode instead. The router that you are trying to connect to is the primary router. The router you are configuring is the client bridge(CB) router. You don't need to worry about the primary router as long a s you set your CB to the SAME subnet. What this means is, if the primary router has an IP of 192.168.A.X, you need to set the CB router to an IP of 192.168.A.Z. Most primary routers will be at So, when you are configuring your CB router, set it to With that in mind, here is how to configure it. Download a recommended build for your router. DO NOT USE SP1. If you are using a broadcom router, read the peacock thread prior to starting.  http://www.dd-wrt. com/phpBB2/vi

Look! How funny they are =D

When them child :p wkwk. gatau kenapa kocak liat foto ini. Yaa mereka ini temen2 gw. Lagi iseng2 aja buat begini X) Itu tuh yang namanya cindy gw.  :p. gw kenalin satu-satu yaaaaa haha May Riska Kurniasari Yang pesek idungnya-_-v        Gua manggil dia "EMAK", haha. pertama2nya lupa ya krn apa, setau gua karena waktu dia masih jadian sm mantannya, mantannya itu dipanggil bapak sm temen2 yodaah dah. :p. Demen bgt jailin dia nih, hehe. Tapi disisi lain dia masih ngerti gw, makasih ya maaak. Disisi lain gw SEBEL misalkan dia lagi galau atau lagi ga rese kata2nya dia ke gua muji2 gua T-T terharu.. Tapi ke-ti-ka lagi nyebelin-nyebelinnya rusuh, maen cute lah, dll -___-. Big love for u mak. Amelia Wrespati Ramadhanty Yang dagunya pa-n-ja-ng -_-v         wkwk, kalo yang satu ini gw manggil dia kakaktua. Karena di bilang emak, dia kk gua. Yodah gua bilang aja kakaktua, terus kalo manggil ya katu. hahahha.. Orangnya care, enak, tapi suka nyute juga sama aja ka